Dr. Felix Sieker, 30.03.2022, Project Manager Digitalisierung und Gemeinwohl.

Project Manager - reframe[Tech]

Dr. Felix Sieker

Felix Sieker works as a Project Manager for the project “reframe[Tech]” in the program “Digitalization and the Common Good” at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Here, he works primarily on the question of how the chances of automated decision making systems for the common good can be made more visible.

Previously, Felix Sieker worked as research associated in a project on the digital transformation of work and as a freelancer for foundations and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. In addition, he worked as Sherpa at High-Tech Forum, which is the central committee advising the Federal Government on implementing its research and innovation strategy.

In 2021, Felix finished his PhD on the role of platform companies in the digital transformation of work at the Hertie School. He studied Sociology, Politics and Economics at Zeppelin University and Comparative Social Policy at the University of Oxford.

Photo credit: Ansichtssache_Britta Schröder