
Symbolic Spaces, AI generated image, courtesy of the artists (c) 2022

Crosslucid – Visions of the future, drawn from art

Divining the future through a flaw in the system? – Crosslucid creates new realities and question old structures in their art. In doing so, they make an important contribution to the future of algorithms, and show how artificial intelligence is becoming a tool for artists instead of a threat.
Alicia Väth
24. April 2023
Photo by Bekky Bekks on Unsplash

Germany’s Standardization Roadmap AI: We are going to need unconventional coalitions

Last week, the second edition of the German Standardization Roadmap Artificial Intelligence (AI) was handed over to Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck at the Digital Summit held in Berlin. What may have appeared initially to be a peripheral issue for the summit participants turned out to be, in fact, a headline topic throughout the week of digital policy events in the capital city.
Lajla Fetic
16. December 2022
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Building capacities — The New New projects, one year on

Last year, The New New brought together 24 artists, technologists, thought leaders, writers and designers in…
Nushin Yazdani, Markus Overdiek
21. July 2022
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash


Artificial Intelligence and automated decision making are too often developed without consideration for the needs of…
Ralph Müller-Eiselt
11. July 2022
Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

Elevating female/non-binary voices in AI

In order to promote the share of diverse voices in the development of and societal interaction with algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), we present a list of German-speaking female and non-binary individuals who are experts on algorithms and the ethics of algorithms.
Asena Soydaş, Carina Wegener
10. June 2022
Foto von Jess Loiterton von Pexels

“The New New”: Insights from a unique fellowship program

Introduced in 2021, “The New New” fellowship provides a framework for working towards inclusive visions of…
Markus Overdiek, Julia Kloiber, Julia Gundlach, Ouassima Laabich-Mansour
15. February 2022
Photo by Rock'n Roll Monkey on Unsplash

We Humans and the Intelligent Machines

The use of algorithms has long since ceased to be science fiction and has become reality.…
Ralph Müller-Eiselt, Dr. Jörg Dräger
12. May 2020