Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
AI and ADM Use Cases
- Jäger, Katja, Yannick Lebert, Stephan Peters und Felix Sieker (2023). Bridge-building instead of polarization. How algorithms can improve digital discourse.
- Chiusi, Fabio et al. (2020). Automating Society Report 2020
- Chiusi, Fabio et al. (2020). Automated Decision-Making Systems in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A European Perspective.
- Spielkamp, Matthias et al. (2019). Automating Society – Taking stock of automated decision-making in the EU.
- Lischka, Konrad, and Christian Stöcker (2018). The Digital Public.
- Lischka, Konrad, and Anita Klingel (2017). When Machines Judge People.
- Grzymek, Viktoria, and Michael Puntschuh (2019). What Europe Knows and Thinks About Algorithms. Results of a Representative Survey.
Solution Approaches
- Hustedt, Carla, and Ralph Müller-Eiselt (2020). The Urgent Need for Robust Trust. Cultivating an environment in which algorithmic decision-making serves society.
- Hallensleben, Sebastian et al. (2020). From principles to practice: How can we make AI ethics measurable?
- Algo.rules. Rules for the Design of Algorithmic Systems. iRights.Lab und Bertelsmann Stiftung (2019). Gütersloh.
- Krüger, Julia, and Konrad Lischka (2018). Machines in the Service of Humankind. Creating AI that sustains and supports social needs.
- Vieth, Kilian, and Ben Wagner (2017). Calculated participation.
Studies and Reports
- Filipović, Alexander, Christopher Koska and Claudia Paganini (2018). Developing a Professional Ethics for Algorithmists. Learning from the Examples of Established Ethics.
- Rohde, Noëlle (2018). Quality Criteria for Algorithmic Processes. Analyzing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Selected Compendia.
- Dreyer, Stephan, and Wolfgang Schulz (2018). The General Data Protection Regulation and Automated Decision-making: Will it deliver?
Digital Policy
- Steiner, Falk, and Viktoria Grzymek (2020). Digital Sovereignty in the EU.
- Wagner, Ben, and Carolina Ferro (2020). Governance of Digitalization in Europe. A contribution to the exploration shaping digital policy – towards a fair digital society?